Hành Lang Tiếng Anh Là Gì ? Hành Lang Trong Tiếng Anh Là Gì


a group of people who try to influence the Government etc in a certain way or for a certain purpose.

Bạn đang xem: Hành lang tiếng anh là gì

Indeed, much of what is observed in writing is likely to be a result of donor pressure to please home market lobbies.
A fall may lead to lobbying for lower taxes for the public sector and reductions in health care budgets.
After they obtained support for the survey, they lobbied to make it an ongoing activity rather than a one time study.
When assessing interest group lobbying success we must consider what they sought and what they got, allowing room for degrees of success.
The characteristics of the advocate itself can also play a role in their chances of lobbying success.
We will come to understand what factors on average lead to lobbying success, and which tend toward failure.
The third section presents the empirical analysis relating institutional, issue and interest group factors to lobbying success.
Devising a study with a starting point ten years ago would add to our understanding of lobbying influence.
Measuring lobbying success however and analyzing its determinants can provide us with a better understanding of one aspect of the influence process.
They can engage in lobbying themselves and/or form part of a trade association that undertakes the lobbying effort for them.
Of course, this is only an initial investigation, analyzing lobbying success of only 149 advocates on 47 issues.

Xem thêm: Nguyên Tắc Trích Khấu Hao Tài Sản Cố Định Là Gì, Cách Tính Khấu Hao Tài Sản Cố Định (Tscđ)

Both the hard-line authoritarian faction and pro-business affairists lobbied for different reasons to close down the journal.
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ห้องโถง, กลุ่มผู้รณรงค์หาเสียงสนับสนุนเกี่ยวกับนิติบัญญัติ, ชักชวนให้สมาชิกรัฐสภาสนับสนุนการออกกฎหมายฉบับหนึ่ง…





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Giới thiệu Giới thiệu Khả năng truy cập ttmn.mobi English ttmn.mobi University Press Quản lý Sự chấp thuận Bộ nhớ và Riêng tư Corpus Các điều khoản sử dụng
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